Monday, June 1, 2020

Family Matters

"Is there anything I can do to help put your mind at ease? Anything at all?” my sister asked, with her usual kind smile. Sweet Theresa, always so eager and willing to please. But Mother didn’t reply; she didn’t so much as look at her.

It was time for me to step in. “Mom, we understand how difficult this for you, it's hard for all of us. But it will all be over soon, so there’s no need to make a fuss. Everything will be meticulously taken care of, you know that!”

Silence. She could sometimes be so difficult.

No one could deny the unpleasantness of the situation, but this wasn’t the first time we were faced with something of this caliber. Things got rough at times, but we’d always gotten through it as a family, and we were sure to do it again. Besides, it wasn’t personal – just business, same as always.

An image of Father popped into my head, with surprising vividness. At the time of his passing, Mother had been so strong. She had taken the lead and set the perfect example for us, which I now intended to honor.

I leaned in and kissed her forehead “Please trust us, alright? We’ve learned from the best, after all!”

Mother closed her eyes and sighed in resignation, too tired to put up a fight.

“Goodnight Mommy”, Theresa said as I pressed the pillow on her face.

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